Recently, I read an article about using Fargate for long-running processes. The article explains the fundamentals well, though in my view it’s not touching upon a few important details I expected to see. So in this article I’ll build upon this article and reflect on some possible tweaks.
The next ideas will be demonstrated with Node.js, though any other runtime would work just as fine. In the end, the background APIs used are same - AWS’s Lambda, ECS, etc.
For me, the main point of reading the article about the long-running processes was to see details about solving the 5 minutes limitation in AWS Lambda, similar to this older one. Instead, it was focused on the ECS setup and there wasn’t much about the integration reasoning. Also, the example of runTask was a useful start, though it’s not immediately obvious how the environment variables can act as dynamic parameters.
Also, reading around the topic of integrating AWS Lambda with ECS Fargate, I was surprised getFunction wasn’t used in any of the implementations. (At least I didn’t find one) This function returns an address to a signed URL holding a zip archive to a given lambda handler. This handler is the code which could be executed in the container. In my opinion, that information and resource would enable a far thinner implementation approach in the container.
Keep in mind that with serverless-webpack you can package your handlers, libraries and others into a single file containing all dependencies.
After the above-mentioned research and reflections, I came to the following ideas about possible implementation strategy:
and context
without any mutations.serverless
serviceBecause services are based on the serverless
framework, I used this dead letter queue plugin in order to attach the secondary handler to the primary one.
This means that, inside your serverless.yaml
- serverless-plugin-lambda-dead-letter
Type: AWS::SQS::Queue
QueueName: sqs-failure-queue
MessageRetentionPeriod: "1209600"
VisibilityTimeout: "60"
If you haven’t created this section yet, follow the documentation.
handler: path/to/immortal-handlerDlq.handler
name: immortal-handlerDql
REGION: eu-west-1
# ECS task to execute handler without timeout limitations
RUNNER: runner
# Required for runTask API call, preliminary created on AWS.
SUBNET: subnet-xxxxxxxx
- sqs:
- SQSFailureQueue
- Arn
handler: path/to/immortal-handler.handler
name: immortal-handler
GetResourceArn: SQSFailureQueue
# Allow running AWS Fargate containers when AWS Lambda timeout cannot be bypassed.
- Effect: 'Allow'
- ecs:RunTask
Resource: '*'
- Effect: Allow
- iam:PassRole
- ''
- - 'arn:aws:iam::'
- Ref: 'AWS::AccountId'
- ':role/ecsTaskExecutionRole'
# ecsTaskExecutionRole is the name of the default role created by ECS,
# Allow queueing messages to the DLQ
- Effect: 'Allow'
- sqs:SendMessage
Resource: '*'
Details are available in the article which inspired me. Keep in mind that once you override defaults you might need to specify additional permissions which are not related only to the task at hand here.
Here’s an example focused on the ECS’s code implementation
import AWS from 'aws-sdk';
export const handler = async (event, context, callback) => {
// Coming from environment variables setup in your `serverless.yaml` file
// See
const { RUNNER, SUBNET } = process.env;
const ecs = new AWS.ECS();
// Some other logic specific to your case here ...
try {
const runParams = {
taskDefinition: RUNNER,
launchType: 'FARGATE',
networkConfiguration: {
awsvpcConfiguration: {
assignPublicIp: 'ENABLED',
subnets: [SUBNET],
overrides: {
containerOverrides: [
environment: [
value: JSON.stringify(event),
// Help the runner locate the handler to run inside a container.
// Matches path/to/immortal-handler.handler
value: 'path/to/immortal-handler.js',
value: JSON.stringify(context),
name: RUNNER,
const result = await ecs.runTask(runParams).promise();
// Returns null
return callback(null, result);
} catch (e) {
return callback(e);
export default handler;
As you can notice, the most interesting part is where you pass environment variables from the secondary handler to the container.
The container will take these variables and start the corresponding handler with the same event
and context
Similar the prerequisites section here you will need to setup the ECS task on AWS’s console. When you use the console with the defaults, 2 new roles will be created: AWSServiceRoleForECS
and ecsTaskExecutionRole
. Use these roles and attach the necessary policy privileges onto them depending on which resources you’d like to manage from the container.
For instance you can attach AWSLambdaFullAccess
, AmazonS3FullAccess
and AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy
(AWS managed policies) on ecsTaskExecutionRole
for a start. Later, you can limit AWSLambdaFullAccess
to lambda:getFunction
for example.
definitionThis could be very simple, exposing 2 variable more clearly:
FROM node:8
# Environment variables acting as parameters of the runner.
# Create app directory
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY . .
RUN npm install
# Parameters are named arguments extracted later with yargs or something else working on argv.
CMD ["sh", "-c", "./runner.js --event ${AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_EVENT} --context ${AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_CONTEXT}"]
This assumes that your serverless
service is based on Node.js 8.10 runtime.
file which will execute the primary handler inside the container#!/usr/bin/env node
const path = require("path");
const https = require("https");
const AWS = require("aws-sdk");
const promisePipe = require("promisepipe");
const unzip = require("unzip");
const { argv } = require("yargs");
const runner = async () => {
const { REGION, AWS_LAMBDA_HANDLER_PATH } = process.env;
// Required as strings by the API:
const { event: e, context: c } = argv;
const context = JSON.parse(c);
const event = JSON.parse(e);
if (!context.functionName) {
return console.error("Required function name not found in context.");
const invoking = context.functionName;
// Assumes dead letter queue lambda functions are suffixed with Dlq
const originalInvoking = invoking.substring(0, invoking.indexOf("Dlq"));
try {
const lambda = new AWS.Lambda({ region: REGION });
const lambdaInfo = await lambda
.getFunction({ FunctionName: originalInvoking })
const sourceCodeSignedUrl = lambdaInfo.Code.Location;
return https.get(sourceCodeSignedUrl, async (res) => {
// Download source from cloud and extract it at the current directory at the same time.
await promisePipe(res, unzip.Extract({ path: __dirname }));
const pathToHandler = path.resolve(
const handler = require(pathToHandler);
// Run the taget handler's code.
// handler.handler is the default export of webpack's bundle file
const result = await handler.handler(event, context);
return console.log(result);
} catch (err) {
return console.error(err.message);
Don’t forget to make this file executable:
$ chmod +x runner.js
The process is similar to creating a repository on Github. Check this documentation for having an idea about it.
$ docker build -t runner .
$ docker tag runner:latest {accountId}
You’d normally get the information about the tag when you have created the repository at ECS.
For more details on tagging the image, see this tutorial.
$ docker push {accountId}
If you experience issues with credentials, you can run the following command to re-take temporary credentials and use them directly without copy-paste:
$ aws ecr get-login --no-include-email | source /dev/stdin
At this point, if you have configured your ECS task to use this container from this repository, running the container will run the runner.js
which on its part will run the primary handler.
Now you have a setup where:
and context
from the primary.event
and context
and adds some more information about the location of the handler to run in the container.runner.js
gets executed without any timeout limitations and runs the primary lambda function for as long as it’s necessary for the process to complete successfully.