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Building a node.js client for the EU Open Data Portal

Planning to make an open data GraphQL server, it was natural to first build a small abstraction wrapper which can be re-used in other projects. Basically, the odp library I’m going to talk about is just a simplified client for fetching data from the EU Open Data Portal.

Getting the library

When you have node.js, the module can be installed by npm:

$ npm install odp

Library API

The API of the module is pretty simple:

// Get a range of the whole list of datasets:
odp.getDatasets({ query: { limit: 100, offset: 1 } }).then((data) => {

Currently, there are 4 methods which match the brief information from the developers’ corner. Methods are: getDatasets(), getTags(), getDataset() and datasetSearch(). It could be that there are more options than that in the API, but these are all I know so far as user of the website.

An Examples section is included in the README file for further details.


Suggestions and pull requests are welcome at the github page of the project.

For inspirations of use, more information about the data or introduction training of the benefits of using open data, visit the

Published Oct 2, 2016

Writing crystallizes thought and thought produces action.