Belgian Beers


This is a hybrid static site working as a single page application (SPA) following the The PRPL Pattern for improved performance and user experience.

The tool to check if you want a similar app is: Gatsby Combining the features of static sites together with tools such as React, Webpack, GraphQL and others, developers benefit greatly from:


Everything, even pages in their simplest form are components:

const ContactPage = () => (

export default ContactPage;

Plugin architecture

Similarly to create-react-app one can start off without any configurations. Though, with the more requirements at hand for the project, various plugins can be added to extend the features of the site in many ways. Most interestingly, adding different data sources and making them query-able with GraphQL.

Data via GraphQL

It's possible to add data from various sources which are exposed in a single GraphQL endpoint during build time. This means that we can have a list of beers in this simple way:

query AllBeersQuery {
  allBeersJson {
    edges {
      node {

More information is available in this tutorial.

The repository of this site is open source on github.